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Charter Given to Land O' Lakes

Official Replication of a Newspaper Article

The Soquist-Binder Post 464 newly-organized American Legion Post at Land O" Lakes, was presented its charter Thursday evening, March 14th, 1946. 

Initiation of the 53 new members and installation of new officers followed. Official presentation of the charter was made by Thomas J. Sandeman, District Vice Commander, and a member of Dahlberg Post No. 7, Rindlander, to the new Commander, I. K. Stevenson.

J.F. Handlos acted as a Master of Ceremonies, introducing the initiating team from Rhinelander, led by H. E. Lewis, Commander of the Rhinelander Post, who took over and initiated new members into the principles of the American Legion.

The installation of offers then followed, this being very ably handled by members of the Frederic J. Walsh Post, Eagle River. The ceremony was very impressive and carried out in a very solemn vein.

A.D. Engles, acting for the Land O' Lakes Chamber of Commerce, made a very inspiring speed, welcoming the Legion as a civic organization to Land O' Lakes. His excellent talk on the principles of the American Legion will long be remembered.

The Land O' Lakes Community house was packed to capacity, with over 250 townspeople turning out for the ceremony.

Dale Hunter entertained for over an hour with a program of slight of hand and "black magic" and then orchestra, led by Eagle River, furnished music for a very enjoyable evening of dancing. A buffet supper was served during the dancing.

The new officers who were installed are: I. K. Stevenson, Commander; Robert Lapp, First Vice Commander; Charles Dussault, Adjutant; John Garber, Finance Officer; Fred Babcock, Chaplain; J.F. Handlos, Historican; A. D. Engles, Service Officer; Herber Dickman, Sergeant at Arms.

Present from Rhinelander Posts besides Mr. Sandeman were A. Genisot, H. L. Hackett, E. Lissrose, C. E. Blomdahl, H. Riese, B. Straub and J. Olsen. 

On the committee in charge of all arrangements were: Harold Pitts, Donald Neff and Arthur Granz. These men wer ably assisted by their wives.

Watch for more Articles, including the backgrounds of each Founding Member (Soquist - Binder - Kirk) very soon! 

American Legion Wisconsin Post #464 is a 501(c)(19) Non-profit Organization
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American Legion Department of Wisconsin
Soquist-Binder-Kirk Post 464
PO Box 844
Land O' Lakes, WI 54540-0844

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